IntelaSun - Intelligent Controlled Daylighting

Best practice for Daylighting design Empowers you to manage the amount of sunlight that enters the space!

IntelaSun® is the most advanced controlled daylighting solution. IntelaSun® delivers the exact amount of daylighting you want - NO MORE, NO LESS. This dynamic system uses intelligent SolaBlades® within the glazing panels that adjust to the sun's postion in the sky. IntelaSun® is an economical solution that controls the amount of sunlight, solar heat gain, and shading within a given space, enabling optimal building performance.®

  • Economical sustainability for green construction
  • Uniform sunlight and shade distribution
  • Fosters a comfortable and productive environment
  • Allows for controlled daylighting design strategies
  • Energy saving
  • Glare control
  • Solar control
  • Light pollution control
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SolaQuad Skylights

Quadwall® 2 Panel Assembly With Built-In SolaBlade® - Controlled Daylighting Single Slope, Ridge, Pyramid Custom Skylights

SolaQuad Unit Skylights

Quadwall® With Built-In SolaBlade® Pre-Assembled Unit Skylights Controlled Daylighting Single Slopes

SolaQuad Wall-Lights

Quadwall® 2 Panel Assembly With Built-In SolaBlade® Controlled Daylighting Wall-Lights

ControLite Systems

Single Glazed 30mm Translucent Panels With Built-In SolaBlade® Controlled Daylighting Wall-Lights

IntelaGlas - Intelligent Glass Skylights

Glass Skylights With Built-In Shading Control Controlled Daylighting and Shading System

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